Monday, April 20, 2009

Oracle is buying Sun: best quotes of the day

Alex Miller: "Next version of Java will be Java SE"

Emmanuel Bernard: "The day an Oracle swallows the Sun and in front the Business Machine. No kidding it's a Titans fight."

Max Andersen: Thinking when Orsun will introduce a String in Java that says null == ""

Alexis MP: "Checking my blog posts tagged with "oracle". No need to MarcF' them ;)"

Bruno Georges: "yes, this came out of the Blue :-)"

Stomp Rasta: "There'll have Java SE 7 Lite (300 MB) and Java SE 7 Full (600 MB). And we'll have to pay for each VM installed."

Add your own...


Vinny2020 said...

The new default username and password for mysql will be "scott" and "tiger" respectively.

Robert Johnson said...

The "java -help" output will go from one page to twenty.

Robert Johnson said...

Plans have been scraped for another "silo" building instead a giant coffee cup will be built for all former Sun employees.

Anonymous said...

why when i close session factory and leave main method the HS indexer remains active? feels like deadlock bcause my driver never exits without system.exit call.

Anonymous said...

All Java Exception will be numeric like that
java.lang.Exception 123565

Martina Tycova said...

This is funny conversation.We will see some interesting changes in the next Java version under the order of Oracle.

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