Monday, February 2, 2009

Go us

I am usually not the kind of person that likes patting one another on the back. I am always prompt to point out what's left to be done rather that what has been done. But reading Sacha's newsletter to our customer made me proud.

JBoss AS 5 has had record downloads. People were eager to get AS 5 out, so were we.

A fully TCK compliant OpenJDK based Java SE 6 made it into Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.3. As far as I know, this is the first fully Open Source Java SE implementation certified against the TCK (might be wrong, so don't quote me on that).

JSR 299 (ex Web Beans, newly named Java Contexts and Dependency Injection) is now in its latest public draft review. Gavin and the EG have worked *very* hard to address the EE 6 expert group concerns and pave the road to include this technology in Java EE 6.

The JSR-299 reference implementation is in pretty good shape and releases steadily. I am personally impressed by the quality of the reference guide (alpha 2 here).

RESTEasy, the JBoss JAX-RS implementation is now fully certified and has reached 1.0. I know Bill Burke has been waiting to grab and pass the TCK for a long time.

Bean Validation public draft is out. I also worked very hard too, damn it! ;) We had a lot of positive feedbacks from you guys in our forum. If you want to look at the cutting edge, I release spec snapshots quite regularly on the hibernate-dev mailing list. The latest work includes finalized JPA and JSF integration, type-safe constraint validators, XML support and clearer names.

Also the reference implementation is developped in the open. We hope to get a first milestone release this week or the next one: we did add cool new features you requested in the spec recently (like type-safe validators) and we want to have them in the RI.

A little while ago, Navin released JBoss Cache Searchable 1.0 GA which is based on Hibernate Search. Good stuff: a full-text searchable distributed object cache.

A cool project named JBoss Negociation brings desktop Single Sign On to web apps. Basically, by login to your Windows 2000/XP machine that is secured by an Active Directory and then go to any of the kerberos aware web applications that are hosted by your company in the network, you will have seamless SSO. Their latest GA is here.

That's just my selection of January news. Who said JBoss was sleeping ;) Alright, enough self congratulation and back to work.

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