Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Release Candidate for Hibernate Search 3.0.0

Release Candidate for Hibernate Search 3.0.0

Hibernate Search 3.0.0.CR1 is now out. This release is mainly the last bits of new features and polishing before the final version. The next cycle will be dedicated to bug fixes (of any bug that pops up), as well as test suite and documentation improvements.

Thanks to Hardy for the new getting started section (this should ease the path for newcomers), and to John for hammering the last features we wanted in the GA version.

The next version should be the GA release unless some complex bugs are discovered.

Check the changelogs for a detailed change list.


Florent Ramière said...

Hi emmanuel,

I haven't seen an XML configuration way in hibernate search.

Have I missed something ?

I most of the usecase I've seen, the deployment guys are the one that change the levels of boosts factors and other stuff.
(Modifying annotation in the source code is of course a no-go for this usecase)

enjoy your day !

Unknown said...

There is no XML mapping possibility. However all the machinery is there, so if someone is willing to contribute it, it should be fairly straightforward to provide it. No one had the need so far.

I am not so sure about your views on boosting. I tend to like query level boosting since they can be adjusted from one use case to an other without the need for one index per use case. Of course, an configuration file can expose query boosts to the deployment guys, but it's out of the scope of Hibernate Search.
Changing the index level boosting requires to reindex all the data which is usually not straightforward, so recompiling the code is, relatively, a minor hassle ;)

Unknown said...


I'm working on a project that need to implement an Advanced Search. The number of search criterias may vary from 4 to 50 in the same query that may result to massive data retrieval when pagination is not used in some specific contexts. Considering the Database is normalized to 3NF and we wish to treat as many than 50 search criterias in the same query, and retrieve massive data as fast as Hibernate, I’m wondering if Hibernate Search can be a good fit!


Unknown said...

It can or cannot depending on what are your 50 search criteria. A free text search engine can do criteria that are unreachable in SQL and vice versa.

The good news is that setting up a prototype should be really quick. The configuration is minimal, and we know have a getting started section to guide the users. With that you should be able to start digging the query capabilities fairly quickly.