batch size limit on object indexing
If you don't pay attention when initially indexing (or reindexing) your data, you may face out of memory exceptions. The old solution was to execute indexing in several smaller transactions, but the code ended up being fairly complex. Here is the new solution:
wrap that into one transaction and you are good to
int batchSize=5000;
//scroll will load objects as needed
ScrollableResults results = fullTextSession.createCriteria( Email.class )
.scroll( ScrollMode.FORWARD_ONLY );
int index = 0;
while( ) {
fullTextSession.index( results.get(0) ); //index each element
if (index % batchSize == 0) s.clear(); //clear every batchSize
Native Lucene
The APIs were never officially published (until beta3), but Hibernate Search lets you fall back to native Lucene when needed. All the needed APIs are held by SearchFactory.
This one is the brute force and gives you access to the Lucene Directory containing Orders. A smarter way, if you intend to execute a search query, is to use the ReaderProviderDirectoryProvider provider = searchFactory.getDirectoryProvider(Order.class); directory = provider.getDirectory();
Smarter because you share the same IndexReaders as Hibernate Search, hence avoid the unnecessary IndexReader opening and warm up.DirectoryProvider clientProvider = searchFactory.getDirectoryProvider(Client.class);
IndexReader reader = searchFactory.getReaderProvider().openReader(clientProvider);
try {
//do read-only operations on the reader
finally {
Finally you can optimize a Lucene Index (roughly a defragmentation)
SearchFactory searchFactory = fullTextSession.getSearchFactory();
//or searchFactory.optimize();
s/indexation/indexing/ ;)
Cheers from Paris.
Ah year, I always confuse the economic notion and the data ordering one, it's fixed :)
thanks, that saved my day. i constantly ran into out of heapspace exceptions :-)
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