Sunday, April 22, 2007

Hibernate Search talk at JAX '07

One feature request for Hibernate Search has been surprisingly pretty popular: support for indexed embedded collections and hence correlated queries involving collections.
This is no longer a request and is available in SVN :-)

Imagine a Movie having a list of Actors, the following query is now possible:
give me the movie talking about Central Intelligence Agency and having one of the Baldwins in the casting
or in Lucene language
description:"Central Intelligence Agency"
Of course the drawback is to potentially increase drastically the size of your index. So use it when the collection size is under control.

I am going to talk about Hibernate Search at the JAX 07 conference in Wiesbaden on Tuesday. Let's have a beer if you are around.

By the way, I think De Niro did a not so great job on this movie, too much is suggested (probably too many details too fast). I know that was the intend, but he went too far in my opinion.


Anonymous said...

hello emmanuel,
I'm René. At the JAX in Wiesbaden, we talked at the groovy table about you're improvements to the JBoss Seam Project supporting Groovy. Tonight I leave the JAX to be back to office tomorrow. I hope I have the time tomorrow to try some first steps of the seamless groovy support in seam. Anyway, it will be a long weekend to explore the sexy things taken up on the jax.

I'm really looking forward to the jax CD to get the slides of your session about googling hibernate.


Unknown said...

Yes that was a good talk :-)
The JAX team never asked me the slides so I'm not sure they will be on the CD.
Drop me a mail if you want them. firstname @