Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Mac OS X Leopard and internet downloads

If Leopard asks you if "you are sure you want to open this application which was downloaded from the web" every single time, read further.

I installed Mac OS X Leopard yesterday. Leopard started to warn me about applications downloaded from the Internet. Every single time I open them (not only the first time) I have to confirm it's a safe app.

I first thought Apple believed I was both stupid (can't take care of my security) and with huge memory issues (yes I am trying to open this troyan app 8 times in a row, thank you for reminding me I forgot).

Apparently, this is a small bug. If you download an application with one user account but do not open it with the same account, the security flag is never lift up. To work around that, log on your original account, open all you downloaded apps (27 for me, the dock was a nice christmas tree :) ), accept the security warning for all of them. Next time you open one of them, the security warning will not appear, pfffeu!

Another tip for free. If, like me, you want your old iLife applications back after a clean OS install, go download Pacifist, extract the iThing packages from the Tiger CDs and install them.

It was nevertheless the smoothest clean reinstall experience I've ever had (Carbon Copy Cloner and the Migration Assistant are fantastic).

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Philly's search

I will be at the Philadelphia's Emerging Technologies for the Enterprise conference speaking about Hibernate Search on March 27th (Thursday).
The conference has some interesting talks around the new wave of development frameworks (Seam, Rails and so on). There is even a Battle of the frameworks! a Rountable Debate which sounds very promising. I will definitely try to sneak into it ;)
Come by and say hi. If people are interested we could have a chat about the future of Hibernate Search as we are shaping it as we speak (or you can show up on the hibernate dev list if you don't like Philly ;) ).

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Hibernate Annotations and EntityManager fix-athlon

Hibernate Annotations 3.3.1.CR1 and Hibernate EntityManager 3.3.2.CR1 are available for download here. I have done a fix-athlon in the last few days to ready them for JBoss AS 5.
There is a ton of bug fixes especially in the Java Persistence scanning area and in edge mapping supports.
Some minor new features have been added as well (transparent integration with the latest Hibernate Search collection events, @Any, @NaturalId).

Check the changelogs here and here.

Unless huge bugs are discovered, these versions will be embedded in the next JBoss AS 5 release.

Go try them.