Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Groovy Annotations

I have been hammering (nicely) Guillaume for a long time now to get Annotations support in Groovy.
Thanks to Alexandru Popescu, this is now an official work in progress, and one that progress well :-)
I am thrilled by the possibilities to combine JavaEE (or any modern annotation based framework) and Groovy. If you wondered about the dynamic language you wanted to use, don't anymore.

Like the Hibernate team when we worked on the Java Persistence certification, the Groovy team must have been very frustrated to focus on Groovy 1.0 and not being able to innovate as fast as they did. They are now back on track.

Give a try to Groovy SVN trunk and enjoy.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

To copy a file in ...

... Java
private static void copyFile(File srcFile, File destFile) 
throws IOException {
FileInputStream is = null;
FileOutputStream os = null;
try {
is = new FileInputStream(srcFile);
FileChannel iChannel = is.getChannel();
os = new FileOutputStream( destFile, false );
FileChannel oChannel = os.getChannel();
oChannel.transferFrom( iChannel, 0, srcFile.length() );
finally {
if (is != null) is.close();
if (os != null) os.close();

... Groovy
static void copyFile(File source, File destination) {
def reader = source.newReader()
destination.withWriter { writer ->
writer << reader

... Groovy with a salt of Ant
static void copyFile(File source, File destination) {
new AntBuilder().copy(file:'$source.canonicalPath',

... in shell
cp source destination

Sunday, January 7, 2007

ActiveRecord pattern, so what?

The Active Record pattern has a lot of publicity recently thanks to the Ruby On Rails and Grails wave. A definition could be: an object that encapsulates both data and behavior (ie a database row and it's data access logic).

A bit of history
I was asked recently my thoughts about this pattern. First of all, if someone still remembers EJB 1.0 and 2.x Entity Beans, this was a perfect example of the Active Record Pattern... and a successful failure. Some of the reasons for this failure was the tight link between the data and it's access logic: Serialization issue, data tight to a persistent technology etc etc.

Statically typed languages
To me the ActiveRecord pattern is not well suited for statically typed languages like Java, hence the raise of another pattern : DAO (aka DAL in the .net world). It prevents the hard link between the persistence technology and the actual data representation.

Dynamic languages
Dynamic languages (and to a certain extend AOP) have the nice ability to decorate an object with additional features on the fly, without linking it "the hard way": you can then easily reuse your domain classes out of the persistence context.
Grails uses such a behavior to add CRUD operations transparently to your domain model (with quite complex Querying capabilities).
One still face a problem, what if the application developer needs to add a more complex persistence operation (esp a query), he will end up "hard-coding" the function to the domain object and we're back to the issue faced by statically typed languages... unless you create a DAO object. But then, your persistence operations will be split between your implicit domain model methods and your DAO: another code smell.

Dynamic DAO
As you can see, I'm not keen on the ActiveRecord pattern (out of simple applications), but I really love the simplicity of GORM (the Grails way). The solution is a dynamic DAO. JBoss Seam already generates very simple yet powerful DAOs benefiting from Java Generics. If you combine that with a dynamic language, you can have the best of both worlds.

class UserProcess {
@In UserDao userDao;

void create(String firstname, String lastname) {
if (userDao.countByFirstnameAndLastname(firstname, lastname) == 0) {
def user = new User( "Emmanuel", "Bernard" ) user
else {
throw new UserAlreadyExistException()

Note that countByFirstnameAndLastname and save can be dynamic methods à la GORM.

I'm not a big fan of the ActiveRecord. For static languages, I would use the DAO approach. For dynamic languages, I did not make up my mind but a DAO on steroids seems very promising.